Recent Additions

  • Winter Rescue

    Already anxious anticipating the not so lovely aspects of winter?

    Dreading the darkness, the cold, and wondering how you'll keep your spirits uplifted throughout this season?

    Let's tap on it!

    And while we're on the topic: are there aspects of winter that you genuinely DO look forward to? Share...

  • Tapping for Confidence

    Perhaps you've been collecting data as to why you are not worthy and don't deserve to feel confident.

    Perhaps you doubt yourself and always have.

    Maybe, you've always felt like you weren't very pretty, not very smart, not very capable, and don't feel surprised when your turned down from a job o...

  • Belly Smile NSDR

    From what I've gathered, many of you have been enjoying the NSDR meditations as part of your self-care and stress management.

    I like them, too. I also like making them!

    Here's another guided NSDR intended to help you release tension & stress while also bringing some warmth and connection back i...

  • Support for Feeling Chronically Sick

    I know many of you are here because you're trying to find relief from myriad symptoms that won't seem to go away or resolve no matter what you do.

    I also know how exhausting this can be when you feel like you're getting hit with viruses, colds, and flus on top of what you already deal with.

    If ...

  • Grumpy Rut Release

    It's ok to be grumpy. It's okay to get a little stressed and feel a bit more serious than you'd like.

    It's also okay to start over, no matter what terrible mood you might find yourself in.

    Sometimes shifting from a grumpy-irritable-frustrated-down mood can take a little support when we can't ju...

  • Following Your Own Path with Confidence

    Oh how I love these group workshops.

    Join us for a guided NSDR practice and then a discussion on showing up confidently despite societal and cultural conditioning to feel ashamed or not good enough.

    If you end up listening to the replay, I'd love to hear your takeaways in the comments below.

  • Reframing "Feeling Fat"

    Body image is a tricky thing.

    So much of what we've been conditioned to believe about our weight, our appearance, the shape of our nose, what makes us "beautiful" or not, is exactly that: it's conditioning.

    Our task is to question the stories that are not ours to carry.

    If you've been telling...

  • Releasing the Fear of Parasites

    In the world of wellness, parasites are often surrounded by panic, protocols, and an extreme urgency to attack and remove them from the body.

    What often happens is that the same overwhelm brought to ridding the critters from the body spills over into all that we do. This shifts our bodies into a...

  • Tapping for Kids: Anger Release

    Imagine if we had the tools to self-regulate and ground when we were still developing and making sense of the world...

    Just think of how much easier the confusion of adolescence and early adulthood might've felt...!

    Thanks to you, your kids will have this opportunity.

    Here's the first of our ...

  • Group workshop: Learn to Tap!

    Here it is! The video you've all been waiting for in which I teach you the basic framework I personally use on myself, with clients, and when I'm gearing up to film any of the tapping sequences you find on this tapping app.

    It might feel a bit awkward at first: that's to be expected! It took me ...

  • Tapping for Sudden Fear

    Anxiety, fear, panic, and complete overwhelm can sometimes take hold of us seemingly out of nowhere.

    It can feel so deeply chemical, as if we've been "hijacked" and can't remember what it was like to just feel like a normal human (if there is such a thing...)

    In those moments, it can be helpf...

  • Oak Tree Visualization

    Y'all know I'm a firm believer of training the brain to entertain thoughts that are helpful, empowering, & inspiring.

    The same is true when it comes to utilizing visualization as a tool. We could think of it as a more passive (yet still effective) form of brain retraining/ nervous system regulat...

  • Parenting Overwhelm Support

    There's a reason cliches exist. More often than not, they are true! The idea that parenting is one of the hardest jobs out there is no exception to this rule.

    Many of you have expressed craving more space to tend to yourselves and feeling like you aren't able to get that space.

    Especially with ...

  • Breathwork, Stress Relief, & Releasing Overwhelm

    OOOF, we covered a LOT in this group call.

    I know many of you are feeling confused, stuck, and overwhelmed about what the next step in your healing "should" be or "could" be. You might be so overwhelmed with what is the "right" step that you're feeling absolutely panicked.

    If this is coming up ...

  • Digestion Support

    Living with a sensitive gut can often make us fearful and anxious when it comes to matters of eating, snacking, and eliminating.

    Our brains rewire to expect the worst, to assume that our body isn't digesting well, perhaps assuming that a food will cause a reaction before we've even given our bod...

  • Visualizing the Future You

    Join us for a group workshop that dives into incorporating visualization to enhance the brain rewiring work you are currently doing.

    If you enjoy what we cover in this call, you might also find delight in the "Heal While You Walk" and "Golden Light NSDR" meditations.

  • Golden Light NSDR

    Have you ever noticed how certain colors make you feel happy?

    Have you noticed how certain grey days make you feel down?

    Have you noticed how a sunny day after a long stretch of rain allows you to feel bouncy and excited again?

    Tune into this NSDR meditation when you're craving both deep relax...

  • How to Stop Blaming Yourself

    There will be moments where you feel like it's your fault. Like you messed up. Where you so badly wish you could go back and do things differently.

    Part of the beauty of really messing up is knowing that the only way forward is to do differently the next time around because you learned so deeply...

  • Tapping for Hope When You Feel Stuck

    The healing journey isn't linear. I would also add that it's not easy.

    We are continually grasping for stable ground, finding it, only to feel like it disappears as quickly as it arrives.

    It can feel like you don't even know who you'd be without all these symptoms, let alone how you'd be spend...

  • Releasing Stress & Overwhelm Meditation

    I get it: there are days where everything feels overwhelming.

    There are days when everything feels like too much.

    There are moments where stress feels so intense that you can't even remember what it felt like to not be stressed.

    Let's calm the chaos as a community by merely following along to ...

  • Healing the Abandonment Wound

    The fear of being abandoned and ending up alone/unloved is one that generally starts WAY back in childhood.

    It continues showing its face when deep down, we are scared to get too close to anyone out of fear of losing them.

    This shows up in subtle forms of self-sabotage, pulling away when others...

  • Heal While You Walk

    Use this walking meditation either in complete visualization or as a guide on your next stroll around the neighborhood.

    As always, I'm curious what these bring up for you all. Do share below if you feel so called!

  • Fear of Being Too Much

    So many of you have expressed the feeling of being "too much" for others.

    As a result, you've learned to shapeshift and be a certain way depending on the context, only to never feel like you can show up as fully & authentically you.

    Let's tap on this together to see what we can shift!

    What w...

  • Begin Again!

    We allllll have those days where we wake up and we feel a little off.

    We feel a little grumpy. A little anxious. A little extra poky.

    If this happens to you randomly or maybe more days than you'd like to admit, try out this video and see what happens!